Taken from Australian Southern Rocklobster Industry News, March 2008
Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) would like to welcome two students from the University of South Australia, Ryan Jones and Bryony Jardine. Bryony and Ryan will be involved in the USA market development program for a period of sixteen weeks until early June.
They will conduct analyses of various aspects of the USA super premium fine dining market including the business environment, competitors, restaurants and media. These analyses will be used to develop a marketing and communications plan to assist with further penetration into this market.
While in the USA for two weeks in April, Bryony & Ryan will be involved in conducting in-depth interviews with chefs across a number of cities. These interviews aim to determine various restaurants’ purchasing and product requirements, media consumption patterns, customer base characteristics, and perceptions of the Australian Southern Rocklobster.
The students will be guided by senior researchers at UniSA’s Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science. The 16 week project, known as the International Marketing Project Program, is the cornerstone of UniSA’s Bachelor of Management (Marketing) degree.
Ryan Jones is in his third year of the Bachelor degree, having previously studied Computer Systems Engineering and graduating from the South Australian Young Entrepreneur Scheme.
Bryony Jardine is in her third year of the Bachelor degree and works part time at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science.
The project is a joint initiative between SRL and UniSA.
Download the original article from Australian Southern Rocklobster Industry News, March 2008