Ryan Jones

The blog is reborn in WordPress!

Written by Ryan | Jun 10, 2014 9:21:13 PM

After long being neglected, my blog has been rebuilt and reborn.

The blog always gets relegated to poor second cousin to project work and customer sites, and has suffered as a result. It’s a personal thing and relies on me keeping it up to date to be of value.

Recently I had a bit of an activity spurt and inspiration, and decided to rejuvenate the site.

I decided to leave Drupal behind, and rebuild the site in WordPress. Drupal is my favourite content management system, capable of pretty much anything, but for a small personal blog I simply didn’t need the overhead.

WordPress, however, continues to move forward in leaps and bounds. Updates are easy, and most importantly I can write posts quickly and easily from a mobile.

This means I can start a post from my iPhone, iPad or computer when inspiration takes hold. A big plus. And something Drupal has struggled with for a long time. Here’s hoping Drupal 8 addresses mobile support.

I can also easily schedule posts, and manage a basic blog. I don’t need anything overly complex, just an SEO friendly, responsive blog.

The other benefit here is spending time with another content management system. I spend so much time on Drupal that it’s often worth brushing up on other popular platforms like WordPress.

Just don’t get me started on Joomla.

So what am I going to try to cover on the reborn blog?

  • Marketing. Particularly digital marketing, and integrating email and social media all together.
  • Video. Tips for basic video production, and using the awesome Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera.
  • Anything else marketing/design/digital that takes my fancy.

Got anything else you’d like me to cover? Just email, tweet or post in the comments.